
Saturday, November 13, 2010

update =)

hey people, i was being quite lazy recently of writing blogs XD anywayz.. just came back from prom.. im pretty tired and stuff..

feeling like jot down something here after done with my stuff..

when i was on my way back home by bus, i had lots of vision and thought bout my past life.. all that just kept flashing through my mind..
well, i was thinking bout wat i have done great or good in my life this year..and i notice, nothing really much i am proud of..

in the prom, there are lots of talented people ranging from academic achievers to dances, singers and beat boxer... i was really fascinated and inspired by their achievements.. i was really happy for them.. however, at the same time, i was thinking, do i have something that i am really proud of.. perhaps, no..

i know u guys must be thinking, what the hell is wrong with u kokhou?? stop being gay and emo..
i just feel like i had to express it out =)

maybe i should do something about it..

i got more to say, but i'll just stop now.. =)

and ya.. one more before i got, i will promise that i will blog at least 4 times a week.. coz i have noticed that my blogging wasnt very consistent.. so ya, 4 times a week, i promised XD

Again, i said as if i have regular viewers... lol

A thought of life... =)

word of the day

envisage =imagine, conceive of, mental act, dream


he writez


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